Saturday, September 10, 2011


The big deal around these parts lately has concerned my job. An old one, a new one, a newly old one, the old one is new again. Seriously.

I'd taken some time off to enjoy holiday-life after I finished school last semester but I couldn't seem to work out what exactly I was supposed to be doing. I was secretly ashamed of being just a waitress and figured that two degrees should surely negotiate something a little higher on the rungs of life than a nametag and hands that constantly smell of coffee grinds.

Eventually, I started a fast. And on the very first day, it was like the clouds opened, shining a direct beam of light on an opportunity for a new job that sounded just right. All ye who tread the seekers path, beware! Not every opportunity will be the right one, even if they sound good! I thought this one checked all the right boxes, and I was lured by the prospect of a full-time job with a full-time paycheck. It sounded so much more grown-up than my current situation. So I jumped in.

It hurt to leave my old job because my I was comfortable there and deeply connected with those that peopled the working landscape.But I thought for sure it was time to move on. Maybe the new job wasn't 100% perfect, but it sounded pretty close to it. I was sure I'd be able to do it...until I tried it.  There were a few loopholes I wasn't aware of going into it and I (read: Danny) realised pretty quickly that this was too much to ask. I couldn't do it. Not unless I wanted to compromise my emotional and physical health, and that wasn't a compromise we were willing to make.

So when I called my old boss, asking her to take me back? She did. Can you even believe that? Do things like that really happen in real life?

So here are the life lessons I have learned in the last week-and-a-bit:
  1. I have an incredible, and very loving, support-crew. I have seriously excellent friends and family. These people know how to rally.
  2. Having lots of money isn't everything. Especially if it means living a life that doesn't fit with my values.
  3. Trying something that doesn't work out doesn't equal to failure.
  4. It's ok to be a Christian and still not be able to push through every situation. People don't seem to judge you more harshly if you can't do everything.
  5. Danny thinks it's really cool that I make coffee. He was disappointed when he thought I wouldn't be a coffee-chick anymore (His words, not mine). I can't believe how much his perceptions changed my own and how I saw myself.
  6. I'm very excited about where life is headed; At my same old, same old job that I have gratefully run back to with JOY; In the future of our church family; right here in the Lambvenden House.
    Really, a little direction was all I ever wanted. Instead, my souvenirs are a resoundingly mucousy cough, a ridiculously sudden weight-loss and most importantly, that highly sought dose of perspective. I praise my God for that.

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