Thursday, November 18, 2010

Worry and Bad News

Is there anything worse than the agony of  not knowing?
I don't know if there's anything that can compete with it.

I wish I could say differently, but I'm not that great at handling not knowing things: Where we'll move when we have to pack up house really quickly and go...somewhere. How things will turn out in lots of different kind of situations. I guess I've got control issues.

But to top all of these has got to be someone telling you they've got bad news. They can't tell you right away, but there's bad news. That's it. Just bad news, coming your way. Could it sound more ominous? What do I do with that? I feel so helpless, and future-guilty; wary of all the ways that I am possibly implicated in the bad news that is yet to be unveiled.

I don't like it. I don't know what to do in the meantime. I don't want to be stuck like this, but I've yet to learn how to give over that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that occupies itself with worry in these types of situations. Yuck.

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