Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I miss reading.
Over the Summer, I was able to get through so many amazing novels; I had so much time and free mind-space! I attacked 'The Life of Pi', 'Prodigal Summer' & 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. I read and re-read. I frolicked through bound oceans of the written word.

And now I'm back at school for my final semester. My reading pile currently consists of volumes on evangelism, death rituals and gerontology [Those last two aren't actually related, by the way. Bible college isn't overly morbid!]. As much as I absolutely love to learn...I miss fiction. I long to take hold of 'Gullivers Travels' and anything by St Theresa, Kazuo Ishiguro or Beryl Bainbridge.

Hold on, beloved bookshelf. Just a few more months and I will return to you.

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that you are almost done with school! I bet you are super excited about that.;)
    I know I miss reading for fun, since we have had to do so much reading in my Lit classes. Don't get me wrong, its fun to read through a classic and go at discussing it in class, but I miss being able to pick something up just because it looked good and I had the time.;)
