Sunday, July 24, 2011


Danny and I've never really been able to find a long-term home for our aging PC. It resided, during semester, at the head of our dining table, but upon graduation, I wanted to change everything. With the movement of all of our furniture, our computer became a nomad and ended up in a jumbled, wiry mess on the tiles, jammed between book stacks and couch. 

This week has been about Serious Productivity. And Serious Productivity meant Resume Fixing, and Resume Fixing led to an above-ground home for the computer. At last!

It's without a doubt the ugliest piece of furniture we own, and currently, the most cherished. That desk is sanity-saving, to be sure.

Things have been hectic, in some ways, and delightful on all fronts. 
Learning to sew.

Crafting, manically. 

Family time. Friend time. Lots with some, and never enough with others.

Weddings and funerals.
Cleaning and moving furniture.

Reading Sarah Dessen like the books could sprout legs at any given moment and flee from me. 
Taking photos, taking photos, taking photos.
Making coffee. Lots of it.
Baby snuggles. Lots of them.

You name it, I've doing it or planning to in the next few days. 
I can't get enough of this free time, I hardly want it to end. But the job hunting has commenced, and I will do it with a glad heart, also.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is lovely! All of it. And I'm so excited to see what you've done with the tags. I love you!
